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 Welcome to The Year of the Open Door!

Thank You for Your Prayers and Support.

Greetings Intercessor and Christ Follower,


As we approach the end of another year, we are in Absolute Awe of what Father has done, what He is doing, and how we are in His Amazing Appointed Time. We are blessed and so rejoice in the Word of the Lord impressed to us this year, "that our Oil shall never run out". This I believe is a Word for All the Intercessors of Florida and beyond.


Then Holy Spirit reminds us, "not to look at our bank account and think that's all that God has". We believe this word is for you as well. Hallelujah! We are super excited to share with you Rise-Up ONE UNITED VOICE and Intercession City Lives Again END of the YEAR REVIEW. There's nothing that has been accomplished in Intercession City that happened without you. We're in it together, to Win it together.


Holy Spirit has led me to share with everyone a timeline of Prophecies, Instructions, and now God’s Appointed Time. As you read through the timeline you will see Highlighted in the year 2023 what has brought us to this time, God’s Appointed Time. We guarantee you it will not be boring so make sure to read all the way to the end.


 Father said in Oct. 2022, “to contact My Intercessors and give them first opportunity to take ownership of My City. There are others that will hear My Voice and obey. But it is My Heart that my Intercessors own My City of Prayer”. Remember Intercession City was originally built and owned by Intercessors. Father is calling, "It's time to reclaim what rightfully yours."


Here you will see and hear the vision of God and be given the opportunity to become co-owners with your fellow Intercessors and Christ Followers. sowing into the purchase of property to place the glass enclosure for the Tabernacle of His Presence, Intercession City Temple House of Prayer, the 8 Ministry Homes named after the 8 Gates of Jerusalem and Intercession City Heritage Foundation.  THE TIME IS NOW...


1) Life-Size Tabernacle of His Presence, Land and Glass Enclosure

2) Intercession City Temple House of Prayer - Resume 24/7 Prayer, of Osie England's the Large House of Prayer.

3) 8 Ministry Homes named after the 8 Gates of Jerusalem - to provide recovery and discipleship for those in need.

4) Intercession City Heritage Foundation - 6 Social and Economic needs of the City.

5) ALL OF THE ABOVE or No Specific Designation.

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Promise to Progress

You're Invited to Be
Part of the Family!

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1)  Dec. 2019 – Word of the Lord,

     “I want a Life-Size Tabernacle in My      City for My Presence to dwell in My        City again. When My Presence return      to My City, I will blow across Florida        and the nation.”

    April 2023 - We were given the Life-        Size Tabernacle, by The Tabernacle        Man, Dr. Terry Harman.

Give towards the Land and Glass Enclosure to house

the Tabernacle of God's Presence

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#2) Intercession City Temple House of Prayer - Resume 24/7 Prayer, of Osie England's the Large House of Prayer. Masterfully Designed and styled after Solomon's Temple with God's natural artistry of the Golden Ratio applied. This masterpiece will shine from the heart of Florida as a Beacon of Light across Florida and beyond.

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#3) 8 Ministry Homes named after the 8 Gates of Jerusalem to provide recovery and discipleship for those in need.

Father gives the Vision to the answer for those getting saved and homeless, the drug addicts to come off the streets. Needing a place to go to transition an recover from strongholds. God provides a way of escape. Ministry Homes. He said name them after the 8 Gates of Jerusalem.


#4 Intercession City Heritage Foundation - 6 Social and Economic needs of the City.

God's Vision of Restoration for Intercession City reveals 8 Needs for the City of Prayer to Live Again. God's direction lead to matching the Gates of Jerusalem to the Needs of His City. He instructed as well that the Intercessors should intercede the over each Gate for the needs to be met and the Gate to be successful. Two of the Needs / Gates are the spiritual needs (Rise-Up) and the other 6 the Social and Economic needs through the Intercession City Heritage Foundation. A non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.

Founded by Wesley J. Weaver

Year in Review 2022 - Vision for 2023


Every Thursday evening Bible Study with Hot Meals are given out at Intercession City House of Prayer.


"Become a Monthly



We are asking Intercessors, Prayer warriors, and

anyone who believes in the Power of Prayer, to become a Monthly "Intercession City Re-Builder" Help us Re-Build and Restore God's City of Prayer!

The Jerusalem of Florida!

Word of the Lord
for 2023 - 2024
"Hold Fast To My Original Word"

2023 YEAR IN REVIEW 5783


Dates are color coded based on God's answer to Prayer and Prophecy. Match the colors.


PROPHECIES – Word of the Lord

           There are many prophecies that have been spoken over Intercession City by tremendous men and women of God that are not listed here (Dr. Negiel Bigpond, Simone Noel, Ed Watts, James Nesbitt, Anthony Turner, Roberts Liardon, Dr. Francis Myles, Todd Smith and many more). Many prophetic acts by Intercessors that are not listed. As well as the many that were before Wesley and Arabella entered the City.

Aug./Sept. 2017 - Wesley and Arabella Weaver meet and are married. "Unity Marries the Land" The Journey Begins.


June 2018 – Word of the Lord to Wesley and Arabella, “I Want My City to Live Again”. They moved to Intercession City.

July 2018 – Koinonia Gathering – Rebirth of Intercession City. Intercessor Midwives birthed Twins, “Grace and Mercy”.


Aug. 2018 – Intercession City Vision Given by God – 8 Needs and 8 Gates of the City written under the direction of Holy Spirit.


Sept. 2018 – Word of the Lord, “Tell My Intercessors to come take ownership of My City.”


Feb. 2019 – Intercession City Decree written by the Intercessors of Florida.


April 2019 - Dr. Negeil Bigpond, Apostle to First Nation comes in forgives and bless Intercession City.


Oct 2019 - Word of the Lord, "I will give you the block and your son shall have 4 children".


Dec. 2019 – Word of the Lord, “I want a Life-Size Tabernacle in My City for My Presence to dwell in My City again. When My Presence return to My City, I will blow across Florida and the nation.”


May 2020 - Dr. Francis Myles came to Intercession City. Release the word on how to take down the altar of Baal. He said, "we would know when the Altar of God is rising and the altar of Baal is coming down when souls start getting saved."


Jan. 2021 – Prophecy: “Sow into the vision I’ve given another man, and I will build the vision I’ve given you.” Instructed to join Nations Church Orlando.


April 2022 – Invited by Pas. Todd Smith of North GA Revival to join his Kingdom Ready Network. Zoom Meeting with Todd Smith and pastors all over US every 4th Thursday of the month.


May 2022 - Vision: Ada Hernandez has a vision of Intercession City being the heart of that has streams of gold running across Florida. She paints a picture of the vision.


June 2022 – Prophecy: Donna Rigney and team spoke on Pentecost Saturday in Intercession City. “I see Intercession City as the heart of Florida, and it has streams of gold running all across it.”


Oct. 2022 – Word of the Lord. “Give My Intercessors first opportunity to take ownership back, by sowing into the Land and property purchase.”


Feb. 2023 – Prophecy: “When you obey God pertaining to Israel and put Israel first, ministry will multiply, everything will accelerate.” By David Hertzog (Before going to Israel)


April 2023 – Prophecy: “You will be able to see through the veil and you’ll see the Blueprints clearly”. By John Hamil (In Israel during Baptism in the Jordan)


April 2023 – Prophecy: “I see 2 Silver Trumpets and you will both blow them together.” By Chris Mitchell (In Israel during Baptism in the Jordan)


June 2023 – Prophecy: Met Hans-Peter Nkansah, Realtor, in Intercession City. He says, “I see the blueprints and Intercession City is a City of Revival”. He volunteers to help with the Vision of Intercession City.


Father’s instructions were, “Remain Obedient by remaining in My City and I will do the Rest”.


June 2018 – Put a TENT up for 24/7 Prayer for 100 days. Then God said, put the TENT up for 100 Days of Souls Revival.


Feb. 2019 – Read this Intercession City Decree written by the Intercessors of Florida every day under TENT and every since.


April 2019 – The TENT went up for 24/7 Prayer and Souls Revival for 214 Days in Intercession City. We obeyed Father.


Jan. 2020 – The TENT came down. God said, “Keep the Fire Burning”, bring in an Evangelist every month until Feast of Tabernacles”. God said, “Keep Going Forward”. Gathering every month starting in May of 2020 - Dec. 2020.


Dec. 2020 – God said, “start a House of Prayer to maintain My Presence in My City”.


Feb. 2021 – Intercession City Temple House of Prayer was started. We meet every Wednesday at the Civic Center. First time a House of Prayer been back in Intercession City in over 70 years.


Sept. 2021 - Anoint the Streets of Intercession City with Oil and speak Blessings to break the curses released of the City.


Oct. 2021 – Instructed to support the Nations Church Orlando. Positioned as Leaders of 55-Plus population of Nations Church Orlando.


Feb. 2022 - Tarry Service 24/7 for 7 Days with a focus in Prayer calling on Jesus at the Intercession City House of Prayer. We declared Jesus Lordship over Intercession City.


June 2022 – Started Hot Meal Program in Intercession City. Community is served every Thursday. Lay a foundation of God’s Love.


Oct. 2022 – Word of the Lord. “Give My Intercessors first opportunity to take ownership by sowing into the Land and property purchase.”


Nov. 2022 - Next Level of Freedom, Healing & Deliverance. Lives Changed. TENT went up again in Intercession City.


Jan. 2023 – March 2023 – God instructed us to travel Florida and Release the Word of the Lord for “As One Moravian Mission” throughout FL. The 12 Wells of Revival.


June 2023 – God instructed to put together an Intercession City Vision Team. God touch the heart of the artisans and the first meeting was in July 2023. We’ve been meeting bi-weekly ever since. Absolutely Amazing what God has done. It’s His Appointed Time. 


July 2023 - Went to Healing School for 2 weeks at The River Church, Rodney Howard Brown Tampa. Received Training for Healing and Deliverance in Intercession City.


July 2023 – Intercession City Pastors Gathering – Meet, Greet and Pray


When inquiring of the Lord about present accomplishments, His response was, “all that you’ve obeyed to this point is why you’re here.” Here in His Appointed Time.


Sept. 2022 - Historic property available for purchase in Intercession City. Wesley's Heritage.


Nov. 2022 - Funds offered to Wesley and Arabella to purchase a historic property (Wesley's Heritage) in Intercession City, by unknown philanthropist.


Nov. 2022 - Father gives the Vision to answer for those getting saved and homeless, the drug addicts to come off the streets, needing a place to go - Ministry Homes. He said, "I will give you 8 homes, name them after the 8 Gates of Jerusalem.


Dec. 2, 2022 – Wesley and Arabella ordained in Intercession City as Apostles by Dr. Negiel Bigpond, Apostle to First Nation.


Jan. 2023 - Souls get saved from basketball court for the first time, named Gabriel and Michael. A sign from Father that the Altar of Baal is coming down. Ministry and salvations have continued since.


Feb. 2023 – Arabella’s son has first child in Feb., second child on the way, expected in April.


March 2023 - Abba-Ema Spiritual Parenting Family started with Wesley and Arabella teaching and training for the building of leaders and to be a safe life time source for those called to ministry.


April 2023 – Gathering of the Sacred Nations, Texas. Dr. Negiel Bigpond


April 2023 - Travel to Israel. Take soil from Intercession City to plant in Jerusalem. Bring soil from Jerusalem Israel to the Jerusalem of Florida. The most life changing experience before salvation.


April 2023 – Received call from Dr. Terry Harman, The Tabernacle Man, while in Israel. We were given the Life-Size Tabernacle for Intercession City.


May 2023 – Wesley’s Heritage Foundation received Betterment Grant from county to serve the community.


June 2023 – Contact by Intercessors For America-Florida leaders Anita Lynott and Alysha Townsend. They wanted to know about Intercession City. Met with IFA – Steve and Alysha Townsend, Anita Lynott in Intercession City. Anita releases a word to “Prepare”. Steve and Alysha volunteer to help with the Vision of Intercession City – Tabernacle and Temple.


June 2023 – Completed one year of Serving Hot Meals to Intercession City community.


June 2023 – Prayer and Prophetic Release by Florida Intercessor Leaders and in August.


June 2023 – Arabella Dream: The water receded from the retention pond and fish were bagged up by the fish and game officials, then given to various people – in the dream Wesley said, “It’s the Great Awakening”.


July 2023 – God brings the skilled artisans together to restore His City. The Intercession City Vision Team is formed.


July 2023 – Celebrate 5th Anniversary in Intercession City. Soil from Jerusalem Israel planted in the Jerusalem of Florida. The 2 Silver Trumpets were blown by Wesley and Arabella as prophesied by Chris Mitchell, at 5 significant locations.


July 2023 – Arabella Dream/Vision – Holy Spirit says, “we are coming into the Greatest Move of God the World has ever seen. Prepare! Prepare!” How do we prepare Father? “Preach My Word! Preach My Gospel! Intercession City and beyond. The resistance is Great because the Time is NOW!”


Aug. 2023 – Prayer & Prophetic Revelation Release from FL Intercessor Leaders


Sept. 2023 – Intercession City Intercessor Angels formed to place a wall around Tabernacle and Temple Property Block. Prayer calls every week.


Sept. 2023 Invited to Christian Television Network for Interview on the Jen Mallen Show.


Sept 2023 – Celebrated 6th Anniversary and attended International Society for Deliverance Ministers (ISDM). Personal deliverance and training.


Oct. 2023 – Feast of Tabernacle Celebration with The Tabernacle Man, Dr. Terry Harman under the TENT.


Oct. 2023 – Divine appointment with Dr Kevin Dieckilman Archeologist, Huntsville, AL. from an invitation to the Women’s Warrior Conf. with Angela Shelly Robinson. Dr. Kevin is one of the foremost archeologists in the world. Key in the building and restoring of God’s City.


Nov. 2023 - Arabella has a vision. "God showed Arabella a vision of one of the people in Intercession City dieing, then He said, the altar of Baal has come down." Shortly after they were invited by a church that previously cancel their relationship with them to serve the community Thanksgiving dinner together. A Miracle and very successful.


Nov. 2023 – Wesley’s Intercession City Heritage Foundation, a charitable non-profit was given governance over Intercession City Civic Center by the County. Wesley has the keys and Authority over the City.


Nov. 2023 – The first rendering of Intercession City Temple House of Prayer completed. Majestically Breathtaking. Only God. We give You Glory Father.


Dec. 2023 - Come to the Father's Banquet Table. A time for Intercessor Leaders to come together for Zoom Dinner. The next level of real UNITY is know each other beyond the call and the cause. REST - Friendship, Fellowship and Camaraderie.


Dec. 2023 - Letter goes out giving Intercessors of Florida first opportunity to take back ownership of the City of Prayer through giving to the purchase of land to house the Tabernacle and Temple.


***This timeline does not included the many leadership opportunities and life changing experiences God provided us through being 55-Plus leaders at Nations Church Orlando.

May 2023 - Nations 55-Plus Generational Guardians Trip - North Georgia Revival, Field of the Woods, Murphy NC, Moravian Falls NC, and Billy Graham Library.

Rise-Up One United Voice, is an Intercessors Ministry of Intercessors Supporting Intercessors in Prayer and otherwise as the Father directs.

The Intercessor Rise Up to answer the Call to stand in the gap and remain on the wall carrying One Unified Voice. Intercessors RISE UP in One United Voice and Support one another through immediate communication to provide and receive an avenue for Florida Intercessors to place Unified Support and Prayer from their fellow laborers across the state. God said, my Intercessors should never feel alone again, never alone again, never alone.


The Happy Weavers

"Always Here"

Wesley and Arabella,  through  Divine orchestration, were married and ordained in  Intercession City, Florida. 

Between the two they carry over 40 years of dedication to the Word of  God and  Intercession.  Wesley representing the  Land  (Isaiah 62)  and Arabella representing Unity (John 17) were joined together on September 25, 2017,  to fulfill the Plan of God for Intercession City and the end-time harvest.

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